
We’re so happy to have you traveling with us. This page includes many of the resources our volunteers need to prepare for their trip with Yeabe. Please make sure you read all the documents and participate in the conference calls. If you can’t participate live, you will find links to each call on this page so that you can listen when it bests suit your schedule. Some of the information is time-sensitive, so make sure you have kept up with the emails you receive from us and ask questions if something is not clear. You will also find information specific to your team here, including cultural and public health information.

In addition to the information found on this page, your team will have a departure call to go over details of your trip and provide you with a final Q and A session. This call will be held two to three weeks prior to your departure and will be scheduled by our office via email. You can always reach us at yeabemedicalcenter@gmail.com or 6787934449

We look forward to working with you as you prepare for your trip and hearing great stories upon your return!

Upcoming Missions

Future missions we are organizing appear here, please follow this page for updates on our latest trips.

Sign up for a mission here

    In the brief time spent on a short-term trip, the taste of day-to-day life in a foreign country is for the most part very romanticized. Although you may feel like you’ve experienced life on the field, it does not compare to the routine of daily life that most missionaries encounter … Spending an extended period of time on the field will allow you to experience the day-to-day life of career missionaries and see if God might be leading you there for longer.

    — The traveling team